The average buck, with his ears in an alert position, has an ear tiptotip spread of 16 inches. Way more information than you ever wanted on how to fell a tree. Three simple tips for harvesting a trophy whitetail in high pressure areas duckbuckgoose phj prostaff cincinnati, oh i recently spoke with an experienced hunter and author at an outdoor expo who specializes in hunting trophy whitetails. Whitetail deer are fascinating for many reasons, not the least of which is. Perhaps the coyotes approach close but not close enough or the darned things dont go near sets at all.
By bill winke an opening day bowhunt video by the author is embedded at end of this video. Pdf the future of hunting as a mechanism to control white. Wisconsin has a long and storied tradition of regulated gun deer hunting stretching all. The bowhunting season in new york state is a long one. Joe byers has more than 1,000 magazine articles in print and is currently a field editor with whitetail journal, predator xtreme, whitetails unlimited, crossbow revolution, and african hunting journal magazines. Over hunting pressured whitetails next buck outdoors. During the first two days of the a and b firearms deer seasons in deer permit areas 255, 343, and. Three simple tips for harvesting a trophy whitetail in. So i must conclude that there are still pockets of whitetails to be found and hunted that compare well to boom years of the past. The next step to a late season deer hunt is the obvious one, and one youve heard and read often locate winter whitetails by locating the winter food supply. We love bow hunting and it shows when you hit camp and head out into the woods the blind setups show we care for the bow hunters hunt.
Aimed specifically at bowhunters in pressured areas, this manual. Steves writing has been featured in major outdoor magazines such as petersens bowunting, bowhunting world, and deer and deer hunting view all articles by steve flores. Whitetail deer are the most soughtafter game animal in north america. Only year before last, i missed a boone and crockettclass buck when my arrow flew high, and this past season i passed up easy shots at several pope and youngcaliber whitetails while waiting for mr. It can run from late september to the middle of november with an added week in december after the gun season is over. However, i would probably put this book in the hands of the intermediate to experienced archery deer hunter when that hunter wants to go to the next level and repeatedly harvest mature whitetails. This is one of the best archery whitetail deer hunting books ive ever read.
Six of the deer were taken on public ground, with the rest coming from private ground that he accessed through knocking on doors. I was out shooting my bow tonight and the thought i only have 3 12 mounths to wait sent chills down my spine. The big timber when bowhunting whitetails in large areas of timbered country, my breadandbutter approach to success revolves around the use of two factors peak rut and topography working in conjunction to provide me with bestbet odds. Typically those words are used to remind athletes that victories are earned through tremendous selfsacrifice. You can take a trophy buck and all the hogs you want after your buck is down for october 2018 only. The black veil of night slowly lifts from your forest surroundings. Hunters are allowed a deer of either sex during the bowhunting seasons. Bowhunting opening day whitetails bernie barringer 09. Opening day whitetail deer tactics bowhunting magazine. Bowhunting pressured whitetails is a three part series covering postseason scouting and tree preparation, preseason and inseason scouting and hunting tactics. How to deer hunt deer hunting realtree locavore guide. Longtime avid bowhunter terry drury of missouri, the brother of nationallyknown hunter mark drury and coowner with mark in drury marketing and drury outdoors, is an active member of pse and mossy oaks pro hunt teams. The paperback of the bowhunting pressured whitetails by john eberhart. Expect the unexpected as this dvd explores the greatest upsets and overachievers in nba history.
Pressured deer pros make it happen with diverse habitat, wind rule, low pressure environment, ambush set ups, and the right licking branch set ups. Especially useful for hunting highpressure areas and it explains how to best take advantage of the rut. As the cloud dissipates, you survey the area around your tree stand in hopes of catching a glimpse of a firstthing, openingday buck. Bowhunting whitetails deer hunting indepth outdoors. I live in north east iowa in prime buck country my house sits right in the middle of it. The folks who put meat in the freezer and racks on the wall, season. Bowhunting pressured whitetails by john eberhart goodreads. This relieves the pressure from one side of the trap. Rifle season may send deer into hiding, but nothing can stop the rut. Apply the knowledge you already use to hunt rural whitetails its still hunting, folks when push comes to shove, hunting backyard bucks is a legitimate practice that not many take advantage of.
Bowhunting pressured whitetails by john eberhart, chris. Hes spent the last three decades depicting the thrill of the chase and photographing the majesty of all things wild. Their new book will bring more new and exciting cuttingedge insights into bowhunting for whitetails. Antlerless mule deer season in wmus 318, 324 and 326 have been. You exhale in the cold, morning air, sending a stream of frosty steam out into space. Lays out a hunting program for the entire year, including preparation and training during the offseason. Important treestand tactics for whitetails a treestand location isnt a great spot to hunt, just because you were able to combine great deer sign with a few deer trails. Steve flores is a passionate hunter who enjoys chasing mountain whitetails in his native southern west virginia. Bowhunting pressured whitetails 2003, but precision bowhunting covers the same material and more. Check out the deal on bowhunting pressured whitetails volume 2 dvd at 3rivers archery supply join john eberhart behind the scenes while he preseason scouts for pressured mature bucks. I am 3 miles from the neariest black top, i see deer every day. Bowhunting pressured whitetails by john eberhart, chris eberhart.
John eberhart hunting public land pressured bucks, tree. Learn the basics of what bowhunting whitetails is all about and become a better bowhunter today. When bowhunting from a treestand thats roughly 20 feet high and shooting at deer 15 yards or more away, bowhunters might need to aim slightly lower than they would when shooting from ground level. Throughout much of the midwest and eastern portions of the united states, archery season opens in mid to late september, offering unique opportunities and challenges for those looking to harvest. Or they might aim for the same spot where they normally shoot, depending on. Nearly six full hours of bow hunting tips, techniques, and tactics. But the same axiom can also be applied to deer hunters. When it comes to hunting trophy whitetails, it is hard to beat the midwest.
Ship this item qualifies for free shipping buy online, pick up in store check availability at nearby stores. Several coyotes are trapped successfully in an area for a period of time and then the sets grow cold. Terry likes shooting his reliable pse dream season x. Expert techniques for taking big, wary bucks john eberhart. Where deer are allowed to mature in the midwest, they produce breathtaking antlers. Learn how to scout and prepare sites while leaving minimal evidence of human presence, and how to read deer sign to find the most productive places to hunt comprehensive coverage of scent control, including the use of odoreliminating clothing picking up where ordinary deer hunting manuals leave off, bowhunting pressured whitetails covers in detail everything the. Goju ryu karate technical series part 5 dvd 1998 check availability. John and chris eberhart take you behind the scenes and share the secrets they have used to take over thirty record book whitetails in. These books have advanced my bowhunting skills like no other bowhunting literature has before. Volume iii covers hunting tactics and inseason scouting, and this being the most relevant topic. Bowhunting pressured whitetails volume iii hunting tactics and inseason scouting approx. Weve gathered all of john eberharts bowhunting pressured whitetails dvds into one powerful package. During the entire firearms, archery and muzzleloader seasons in deer permit areas 604, 643, 645.
Field evaluation for boone and crockett score whitetail deer. Learn how to scout and prepare sites while leaving. Nonresidents may not harvest furbearers with this permit. In jest id like to say, it depends on whether youre speaking as a manufacturer, retailer, prostaffer, or consumer. This keeps you from over hunting your favorite spots. Whitetailed deer readily change their behavior in response to hunting pressure. Bowhunting whitetails the eberhart way chris eberhart. Aimed specifically at bowhunters in pressured areas, this manual nevertheless contains a wealth of information useful to hunters everywhere. Whitetail deer videos, whitetail deer outfitters, whitetail deer discussion forums, whitetail deer links and whitetail deer calls. Two deer of either sex, but only one antlered deer may be taken before november 16. This book can be read and understood by the novice deer hunter. Here are some observations on bowhunting whitetails in big woods and in the mountains.
Choosing to hunt one spot for multiple times in succession before moving to. In this article, we evaluate the performance of hunting as a deer. Eddie claypool provides tips on bowhunting, with an emphasis on whitetails. The information contained in this manual was collected from the washington. Alternating your hunting by hunting a spot one time then moving to another spot the next day and rotating each time out through your chosen spots, as conditions permit, is a much more productive method of hunting. Bowhunting pressured whitetails deer books, hunting books. John eberhart is an experienced whitetail deer hunter from. The circumference of his eye is four inches, and from the center of the eye to the end of his nose should measure about eight inches. Deer hunting buck season pennsylvania 2014 hunting.
Bowhunting bigwoods, mountain whitetails stories and. Bills book taking pressured trophy whitetails get em on the ground. Simon did find that whitetails living near the sanctuary retreated to it when hunters showed up. Bucks change their minds and their direction of travel on a whim. While holding downward pressure, cut the connective tissue sometimes referred to as.
The genetics produce big antlers and there are plenty of high quality food sources. Hunters may sell furbearers harvested under this permit. Karns said no food source is powerful enough to overcome a pressured deers survival instincts. Another musthave title from the authors of the bestselling bowhunting pressured whitetails 0811728196. They will not be available for the upcoming season. A yearround approach to taking mature whitetails bowhunting whitetails the eberhart way. This young age structure is a direct result of harvest pressure by hunters. Important treestand tactics for whitetails whitetail.
Ford this guide does not contain all the ways whitetails communicate, but it does include the most common. His ears will measures six inches from the base to the tip. Find hunting pressured trophy whitetails in east leroy with address, phone number from yahoo us local. The father son team from michigan have once again joined forces in authoring bowhunting whitetails the eberhart way. I give alot of credit to these books in helping me take this beautiful michigan 10pt on a 2008 midday late october bowhunt, as well as several other great bucks before in recent seasons. Make sure to include these 5 important treestand tactics for whitetails, when scouting and planning the perfect bowhunting ambush. I know it is only the 15th of june but i cant wait to start bow hunting those monster bucks. But, when recently asked for my interpretation of the best bowhunting gear, the answer boiled down to four very simple points.
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